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10 Reasons to Visit Padua, Italy – A Must-See Italian City

Padua is an Italian city that is older than Rome, it’s close to many of Italy’s most famous destinations, and it has so many unmissable sights that you can easily fill up your stay here with wonderful things to do.

Yet, this intriguing city in the northern Italian region of Veneto is often overlooked by the mass tourists in favour of the nearby Venice and Verona.

Piazza delle Erbe and the daily market seen from the loggia of Palazzo della Ragione - Padua, Veneto, Italy -

This means that Padua remains mostly off the beaten track and it’s a pleasure to explore without having to run the gauntlet of large crowds and coach parties. So, if you are looking for an exciting day trip destination in Northern Italy or a base from which to explore large swathes of both the north and the centre of the country, then Padua is a great choice.

Take it from me!

I used to live next door to Padua for six years and I took every opportunity to escape to this attractive city time and time again in order to see yet more of it and learn more about its history and art. There is so much to discover here! So many great sights and museums! And so many delicious things to eat and drink!

A boy in white walking down a cobbled street towards the daily market on Piazza delle Erbe - Padua, Italy -

Now, I am only too happy to pass the word along. Especially, considering how easy it is to get to Padua and that the city features twice on UNESCO’s World Heritage Site list. Once for its 14th-century frescoes and another for its Orto Botanico – the oldest academic botanical garden in the world!

So, let me tell you about Padua in Italy and what makes it a great Italian destination for a day trip, a long weekend or even a whole week. Without further ado, here are the ten main reasons to visit Padua during your Italian holiday. All are neatly organised in nice and easy chunks of information based on my extensive first-hand experience and research.

Have a look!

10 Reasons to Visit Padua, Italy – A Must-See Italian City

Padua, Italy - 10 Reasons to Visit This Hidden Gem of an Italian City -
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10 Reasons to Visit Padua, Italy - A Must-See Italian City -
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1. Padua Has an Incredibly Rich Historic and Artistic Heritage That Spans Over 3,000 Years

Loggia Amulea with the elliptical canal of Prato della Valle - Padua, Italy -

Padua was founded in 1183 BC which makes it 430 years older than the Italian capital Rome! Plus, by the end of the 1st century BC, Padua had become the richest place in Italy after Rome. Since then, the city has borne witness to many historic events. Its beautiful centre is a patchwork of architectural styles and artistic influences spanning many centuries.

From Roman ruins and medieval walls to Renaissance frescoes and buildings in the Liberty style, Padua in Italy is a place where people have lived and created for over three millennia. Plus, some of the greatest minds in European history used to call the city home.

It’s in Padua that you can see the houses in which the polymath Galileo Galilei and the sculptor Donatello lived, the street on which the renowned architect Andrea Palladio was born and the basilica in which Elena Cornaro Piscopia – the first woman with a PhD in the world – was laid to rest.

Dozens of excellent museums shed light on the different periods in Padua’s exciting history. Every walk you take in town will lead you to discover sights of great importance. The more you learn about this hidden gem of an Italian city, the more you realise the seminal role it played on so many levels for both Italy and Europe as a whole.

The Scrovegni Chapel - Padua, Veneto, Italy -

To experience the best in terms of the art and history of Padua in Italy, don’t miss: 

Scrovegni Chapel and Eremitani Civic Museums – frescoed at the start of the 14th century by the Florentine Giotto di Bondone, the Scrovegni Chapel is the masterpiece that sparked the artistic expression of the Italian Renaissance. Next door to it, you can visit the Eremitani Civic Museums. On the ground floor here you can see important archaeological artefacts tracing the multilayered history of Padua and its surroundings. On the top floor of the museum, you can enjoy paintings by Tintoretto, Titian, Giorgione, and dozens of other worldwide-recognised artists. 

Palazzo della Ragione – a must-see medieval town hall with a fully frescoed upper floor (known as Il Salone) and loggia which affords splendid views over Padua’s daily market. In contrast, its ground floor, the so-called Sotto il Salone, is taken by the city’s best delis, bakeries, fishmongers, and butchers – a tradition that dates back to the 14th century.

Pratto della Valle – this is Italy’s largest square! An oval canal runs around its edge and 78 statues are dotted on both sides of the canal. They represent famous people who have left their mark on the history and culture of Padua, Italy. For example, statue number 36 is of Galileo Galilei who, in his own words, spent the happiest 18 years of his life living and teaching in Padua! Number 35 is Petrarch who was a regular visitor to Padua in the 14th century and number 21 is the eminent Renaissance painter Andrea Mantegna who studied and worked here.

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2. Padua is Both a Scientific and a Religious Centre Making It a Place to Experience on Many Levels

Monumental courtyard - University of Padua - Padua, Veneto, Italy -

Padua is a very curious city in terms that both scientific innovation and religious tradition have flourished here over the centuries alongside each other.

Italy’s second-oldest University was founded in Padua in 1222 and to this day it is a stalwart of science and scientific discovery. In fact, the University of Padua is one of the leading higher education institutions in Europe. Over the centuries, many famous scientists have studied and/or taught here and many important discoveries were made along the way.

It’s widely accepted, for example, that the University of Padua is the birthplace of modern medicine. It was here that the world’s first permanent anatomical theatre was installed in the 16th century and systematic dissections regularly took place. This made it possible to completely re-evaluate the then-available knowledge about human anatomy and huge progress was made in terms of medicine as a science.

The University of Padua’s historic seat – Palazzo Bo – stands right in the city’s heart. Its portico is covered with the crests of former students and daily guided tours take eager visitors to the rooms where science was shaped for many centuries. Among the highlights is Galileo’s podium from which he taught his widely popular lectures during his time in Padua. Curiously enough, across from the podium, there is a small pillar in which one of Galileo’s vertebrae is preserved.

Basilica of St. Anthony - Il Santo - Padua, Italy -

At the same time, Padua is the centre of the cult of St. Anthony. Or Il Santo as the Saint is lovingly called by the locals.

Make sure that you put at least an hour aside for the splendid Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua. This is a richly decorated and rather large church with countless Christian relics (including the body of Il Santo himself) and many priceless works of art. The lovely cloisters, the on-site museums and the different chapels here make the basilica a must-see for every visitor to Padua, Italy.

In addition, the city is rich in churches – both large and small. Each one of them has countless stories to tell. From the Church of the Eremitani, carefully restored after it was bombed during the Second World War, to the Baptistery, fully covered with 14th-century frescoes, Padua in Italy is the right place to delve into the history and art of the Catholic faith.

The Basilica of Santa Giustina seen from Padua University Botanical Gardens - Padua, Italy -

To experience the best in terms of the scientific and religious traditions of Padua in Italy, don’t miss: 

Palazzo Bo – the historic seat of the University of Padua. Paid guided visits are held daily in English and Italian. They are highly recommended as you get to see the places where science made history. You can also pop into the historic courtyard off the street free of charge.

University of Padua Botanical Garden – the world’s oldest academic botanical garden which is still in its original location. Nowadays, Padua’s Orto Botanico is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This is a beautiful place with two distinctive parts. One is the historic walled garden which preserves its centuries-old design of a square into a circle. The other is the Biodiversity Garden – an impressive series of interconnected greenhouses where you can walk across the world’s climate zones and marvel at their botanical richness.

Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua – a Roman Catholic church and a minor basilica dedicated to the cult of St. Anthony. It hosts important relics of many Catholic saints. Among them is St. Anthony of Padua who is interred in a chapel with outstanding architecture and art. From stunning frescoed ceilings to Donatello’s bronzes for the high altar, there are many masterpieces to admire in the basilica as a whole.

Abbey of Santa Giustina – an immense basilica dedicated to one of the city’s patrons – St. Giustina of Padua. It stands right next to the University of Padua Botanical Garden and Italy’s largest square – Prato della Valle. It’s a must-see for the incredible feeling of endless space inside its cavernous interiors. Plus, there are many important relics and works of art here, as well as the tomb of Elena Cornaro Piscopia – the first woman with a PhD in the world.

Baptistery – a small building the plain brick facade of which hides an incredible cycle of 14th-century frescoes by Giusto de Menabuoi. Stand in the middle of the floor and look up at the ceiling. The gaze of Christ surrounded by numerous circles of saints in heaven is hypnotic. Inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, the Baptistery is dedicated to St. John the Baptist and you will find it next door to Padua’s Duomo.

Diocesan Museum – a very interesting museum next to Padua’s Duomo with priceless frescoes and a rich collection of devotional art.

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3. Padua Is a Great Place to Go Shopping – from Fresh Produce and Vintage Finds to the Latest Fashions

Market scene on Piazza delle Erbe - Padua, Italy -

Tempting window displays flank Padua’s central streets. From high-fashion boutiques and high-street staples to historic shops that have been in business for dozens if not hundreds of years, you will be spoilt for choice.

Cosmetics, jewellery, and fashion stores stand side-by-side with shops specialised in rare prints, haberdashery, and priceless antics. There are also many art galleries and bookshops selling new and vintage editions. Just go for a walk through Padua’s historic centre and pop into any small boutique or a larger store that takes your fancy. Soon, you will find yourself very much in love with dozens of drawings, paintings, rare jewellery pieces, daring outfits, and imaginative textiles. Budget accordingly!

In addition, the daily market on the historic squares of Piazza delle Erbe, Piazza della Frutta, and Piazza dei Signori as well as the regularly held bric-a-brac and vintage markets on Prato della Valle give you a chance to shop for fresh produce as well as bags, clothes, and all sorts of knick-knacks at pocket-friendly prices.

Bookshop - Padua, Italy -

To enjoy the best shopping opportunities in Padua in Italy, go for a walk along: 

Via del Santo up to Palazzo Zabarella – for shops selling rare books and beautiful prints, among other things.

Via Altinate – for boutiques specialised in fashion and accessories.

The area between Porta Altinate, Via Baiamonti, and Piazza della Frutta – for all sorts of high-street stores and historic shops.

Shops and shopping malls are all over Padua, so explore as many as possible if shopping is your thing.

4. Padua Is Very Social – A Vibrant University City Where People Like to Go Out

Coffee shop on the main street - Padua, Veneto, Italy -

Students make up one-fifth of Padua’s population. So, the social life here is vibrant. There are lots of places to head to both during the day and in the evening. The Italian aperitivo hour is when the city gets especially lively, even more so in spring and summer when people come out to enjoy the breeze after the daily scorching temperatures.

Countless cafes and bars line the main historic squares in town – Piazza delle Erbe, Piazza della Frutta, and Piazza dei Signori. In the late afternoons and early evenings of the hot months, countless tables and chairs are placed alfresco. Families and groups of friends come out in droves, all nicely dressed up, and ready to relax after a long day.

Chatter and music fill the air. Tall glasses clink and clank. Kids run around. Beautiful historic buildings overlook this authentic Italian scene. It’s quite cinematic, really. Make sure that you take part!

Gran Teatro Geox is the place to head to in Padua for concerts by world-famous singers and bands as well as for musical theatre performances touring Europe. Just make sure that you book a ticket well in advance.

The city's main street under a blue sky - Padua, Italy -

To experience first-hand the social life of Padua in Italy, go for a:

Passegiata! This is Italy’s traditional early evening walk taken by families and friends to see what’s new around town and to be seen in their finest attire. Head to Padua’s historic centre. Starting from Caffe’ Pedrocchi walk around the three main squares –  Piazza delle Erbe, Piazza della Frutta, and Piazza dei Signori – and see which cafe, bar or restaurant will appeal to you the most. Have an aperitivo, tuck into dinner, and have fun. It’s a great way to experience Italy authentically!

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5. Padua is Right Next Door to Many of Italy’s Most Famous Destinations and It’s a Great Base for Many Exciting Day Trips

Prato della Valle - Padua, Veneto, Italy -

Padua’s train station is one of the main hubs of the Italian railway system. In addition, a large network of buses and coaches connects Padua to dozens of small towns and large cities in the north and the centre of Italy. The city is also on the Autostrada A4 and Autostrada A13. Both are important Italian highways. The first links Turin to Trieste via Milan, Padua, and Venice. The second stretches from Bologna to Padua via the cities of Ferrara and Rovigo.

All this means one thing: you can easily visit Padua on a day trip! Or, if you are staying in Padua during your Italian holiday, you can easily travel from here to many other Italian cities. To give you an idea of the wide choice available, here are some travel times by high-speed (Frecciarossa/Frecciargento/Italo Treno) train and/or fast regional (Regionale Veloce) train from Padua to some of the most famous destinations in Italy:

  • Padua to Vicenza – from 17 mins
  • Padua to Venice – from 26 mins
  • Padua to Ferrara – from 35 mins
  • Padua to Verona – from 44 mins
  • Padua to Bologna – from 1 h 3 mins
  • Padua to Desenzano/Peschiera on Lake Garda – from 1 h 6 mins
  • Padua to Brescia – from 1 h 21 mins
  • Padua to Florence – from 1 h 44 mins
  • Padua to Mantua – from 1 h 45 mins
  • Padua to Milan – from 1 h 59 mins
  • Padua to Ravenna – from 2 h 7 mins

Or you can take a bus to a bunch of must-see nearby towns and villages. Chioggia, Arqua’ Petrarca, and Stra immediately spring to mind. From sprawling beaches and Venetian villas to places of historic interest, the choice is huge and all yours. You can consult this map to see all the small towns and villages you can travel to from Padua by bus.

Violoncello by a statue on the elliptical canal of Prato della Valle - Padua, Italy -

To enjoy the best day trips from Padua in Italy, don’t miss:

This blog post! It reveals over 35 unmissable destinations to explore from Padua. It also includes a detailed list of tips and tricks on how to navigate the Italian railway system. To check train times and book train tickets in advance, I find the following three websites very useful: OmioItaloTreno, and TrenItalia.

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6. Plus Padua is Next Door to Five Airports Making It So Very Easy to Reach from Anywhere in the World

La Torlonga - Padua, Veneto, Italy -

No one likes an airport transfer that lasts hours and costs an arm and leg. You are in luck then, as Padua in Italy is close to five airports conveniently served by flights from all over Europe and the world. 

Here they are together with tips on how to quickly get from each one of them to Padua:

Venice Marco Polo Airport – a shuttle bus will take you directly from this stylish and busy airport to Padua Bus Station. The service runs on average twice per hour during the day and takes about 1 h 5 mins. Alternatively, you can take a shuttle bus to the Venezia Mestre train station. The journey is about half an hour. Once there, you can then get a direct train to Padua. The train journey lasts around 15 mins.

International Airport Treviso Antonio Canova – bus number 101 connects this busy low-cost airport to Padua. It runs around twice per hour. You can reach your accommodation in Padua in just over an hour straight from the plane.

Verona Valerio Catullo Airport – a shuttle bus connects this compact and easy-to-navigate airport to the Verona Porta Nuova train station. Once there, get a train ticket to Padua. You will be arriving in 42 mins (by high-speed train) or 59 mins (by fast regional train).

Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport – a monorail train, the Marconi Express, connects Bologna Airport to Bologna Centrale train station. Travel time between the two is only seven minutes! Once at the train station, get a train ticket to Padua. A high-speed train will take you there in about an hour. The journey by fast regional train will be much cheaper but it will last about an hour and a half.

Trieste Airport – if none of the above four airports work for you, then you can fly directly to Trieste Airport. It has its own railway station with direct trains to Venezia Santa Lucia. Once there, you can get a train to Padua. Altogether the journey can last from around 1 h 40 mins to just under two hours.

Cyclists heading for the daily market on Piazza dei Signori - Padua, Italy -

For the best travel experience to Padua in Italy, keep in mind:

Public transport is very well organised in Northern Italy and this includes Padua. Trains run regularly and mostly without delays from early in the morning to late in the evening. Coach buses connect the smaller destinations. Even if you are not used to travelling by public transport, do give it a try. It’s easy to use and inexpensive thus making it possible to get from point A to point B with minimum hassle.

In terms of airports, choose the one that best fits your budget and your travelling plans. Sometimes, an airport that is just a bit further away or not so popular offers the best prices and easy transfers. While many people may tell you that you should fly into Venice Marco Polo for Padua, make sure that you also check ticket prices and arrival times for the other four airports mentioned above. They offer straightforward transfers by public transport to Padua and you can often find flights to them at pocket-friendly prices.

If this is your first visit to Italy, try to arrive in the morning or during the day. This will give you the biggest selection of choices in terms of reaching Padua from the airport either by public transport, taxi, private transfer or another way.

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7. Padua Has a Great Local and International Food Scene Which Makes This Italian City a True Foodie Heaven

Cheeses and salumi in a shop on the ground floor of Palazzo della Raggione, Piazza delle Erbe, Padua, Italy -

Padua has some enviable culinary traditions and finding delicious food that doesn’t break the bank is not a problem here. After all, Padua is the city where a daily fresh produce market has been going strong for over 800 years. It is also here that you will find Sotto Il Salone – allegedly Europe’s oldest shopping centre specialised in food.

In addition, one of Italy’s most famous food carts sets up for business every evening (Mondays excluded) on Piazza della Frutta right by Palazzo della Ragione. Called La Folperia it specialises in seafood and most notably, the locals’ favourite – octopus. It’s been in business since 1977 and it keeps alive the centuries-old traditions of Padua’s seafood sellers.

This Italian city is also host to many restaurants serving international cuisine. In case you are really hankering for a burger, a Chinese or a Mexican meal, you won’t be disappointed.

To keep it authentic though, make sure that you sample the culinary specialities of Padua, the region of Veneto, and Italy as a whole. From bigoli (thick long strands of round pasta traditionally served with duck- or sardine-based sauce) and bollito misto alla Padovana (a stew combining different cuts of meat) to risotto and pizza, the choice is delicious.

From cheap street food to places to eat with friends on long wooden tables, from sandwich shops selling excellent tramezzini, piadine, and panini to refined restaurants, Padua’s food scene is a joy to explore.

A traditional deli shop - Padua, Italy -

To enjoy many traditional foods in Padua in Italy, head straight to:

Sotto Il Salone – the oldest food shopping centre in Italy and some say, even in Europe. You will find it on the porticoed ground floor of Palazzo della Ragione between Piazza delle Erbe and Piazza della Frutta right in Padua’s heart.

Explore it from end to end taking in the rich displays of the resident butchers, fishmongers, bakeries, and delis. Buy lots of different foods in small portions from the numerous shops. This way you will get to sample a wide variety of specialities. For a quick bite, stop for a generously stuffed tramezzino or piadina in one of the several bars inside and outside Sotto Il Salone. Alternatively, grab a bowl of fresh pasta and enjoy a glass of Prosecco.

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8. You Will Find Excellent Cakes Here, Too Plus An Authentic Cafe Culture

A slice of Torta Pazientina - typical cake for the city of Padua in Italy -

Having a serious case of the sweet tooth?! No worries!

Padua is the right place to be if you love cakes, biscuits, sweets, and gelato! There are many lovely cake shops, patisseries, and gelaterias dotted all over town. Some of them have been in the same spot for dozens of years and the padovani flock to them for traditional local delights.

Follow their example and don’t leave without trying:

  • pazientina – a layered cake of almond paste, sponge, zabaione, and large shavings of dark chocolate. It’s a must!
  • pevarini – a biscuit with a bite. Its main ingredients are almonds and cacao. A pinch of black pepper adds a bit of a surprise and helps develop the flavour while you chew.
  • dolce del Santo – a cake developed in honour of St. Anthony of Padua. It’s made with puff pastry, marzipan, sponge, candied orange peel, and a very generous helping of apricot jam. I like to have it in Pasticceria Lillium just up the street from the Basilica del Santo.

As for proper Italian gelato, head straight to Gelateria Giotto – a cute little place with an interesting story behind it. All the gelato, chocolates, and other sweets here are produced by the patisserie workshop at Padua’s prison where the prisoners receive professional patisserie training. Year after year, their panettone, for example, receives some of the highest accolades in Italy.

Padua is not all about the cake, though! This Italian city is also big on coffee. In the historic centre, you will come across the imposing building of one of Italy’s most famous coffee houses. Called Caffe’ Pedrocchi, it was founded in 1831. Since then, it has become one of the most iconic places in town. You have to have a coffee here even if you are in the city only for a short amount of time.

Front view of Caffe Pedrocchi - Padua, Veneto, Italy -

To enjoy the best cakes and coffees in Padua in Italy, head straight to:

Caffe’ Pedrocchi – one of Italy’s most iconic historic coffee houses. They call it the ‘cafe without doors’ as, originally, it was open 24/7 and it never shut its doors. Don’t leave without trying their signature coffee. It is prepared with a shot of 100% Arabica topped with mint syrup, whipped cream emulsion, and a dusting of bitter cocoa. Caffe Pedrocchi houses a museum, too! On its piano nobile you will find the Museum of Risorgimento and the Contemporary Age. 

Pasticceria Racca – a beautifully presented patisserie shop in Padua’s historic centre. Their cakes and sweets are like little works of art. Plus, the patisserie’s decor regularly changes according to the season. Around Christmas, it becomes a veritable Winter Wonderland.

Pasticceria Biasetto – run by a World Pastry Cup winner, here you will find a wide selection of traditional for Padua and Italy pastries and sweets.

Lilium Pasticceria –  my guilty secret in Padua. Very close to the Basilica of St. Anthony, they specialise in many traditional for Padua cakes. Plus, they make the famous Dolce del Santo – a very tasty cake inspired by St. Anthony’s good deeds. My favourite thing in the shop is the Santantonino chocolate bar. Delicious! You should also try their meringues. They are as big as a small melon.

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9. Padua Has a Rich Programme of Fantastic Events, So There Is Always Something Exciting to Do Here

The Christmas display of Pasticceria Racca - Padua, Veneto, Italy -

There is always something happening in Padua. From a rich palette of events during the Christmas season to a summer studded with concerts and festivals, the city is an exciting place to visit.

Padua’s tourist offices – one inside the train station and another right behind Caffe’ Pedrocchi – can provide you with the most up-to-date information about the latest happenings in town. During the high season, a temporary tourist office opens its doors at Piazza del Santo just opposite the Basilica of St. Anthony, too.

In addition, keep an eye on the website of Fiera di Padova – Padua’s sprawling exhibition centre – for news and info about forthcoming large-scale shows and events.

All over town – in shops, cafes, and hotels – you will find bunches of brochures and leaflets. Pick as many as you like as they will give you information about interesting local events you simply cannot miss.

The Befana effigy on Prato della Valle - Padua, Italy -

For an exciting Christmas, head to Padua in Italy:

Padua is particularly lovely during the Christmas period. Many fun events take place all over town. The best thing is that the facades of the historic buildings are illuminated with stunning visuals. Long strands of lights get suspended above the streets, too. Families come out to shop at festive markets and enjoy the exhibitions of traditional Nativity scenes.

The Falo’ della Befana is Padua’s most unique event. It takes place on Epiphany – the 6th of January. This is when the padovani get together to incinerate a huge effigy of Befana. A kind old lady who flies around on a broom she brings presents to the well-behaved children and coal to the naughty ones. The burning of her effigy is a direct reference to centuries-old beliefs that you need to dispense with the old and start the new year afresh.

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10. Padua Has a Well-Organised Public Transport System Making It Easy to Get Around Town

Loggia Amulea next to Prato della Valle with a passing tram - Padua, Italy -

Many bus lines and a very modern tram line crisscross Padua. No matter where you are in town, you can easily and quickly get to the historic centre, the train station, and anywhere else. This is so incredibly convenient! The historic centre is very walkable per se. Still, if you get tired or don’t fancy being on your feet all day, there is no need to walk for miles or spend a large chunk of your travel budget on taxis.

The website of Busitalia Veneto has all the details about the different public transport lines which serve the city of Padua. You can find the current timetables and transport maps on this page. Have a look also at the different types of tickets and their prices.

This way you have no excuse to not go out and explore all over town! Even if you are not used to taking public transport and usually rely on cars, in Padua you will find out how convenient and budget-friendly it is to get to places by tram and bus. So, make sure that you put this must-see Italian city on your travel bucket list and head there before long.

In Conclusion

The fleet of Apes serving the daily market - Padua, Veneto, Italy -

If you are in the planning stages of a holiday in Italy and are looking for a great day trip or a convenient place to serve as your base, the city of Padua may just be the perfect candidate.

Within a very convenient distance from five airports and served by an extensive public transport network, Padua in Northern Italy is easy to reach and easy to navigate.

Plus, Padua has a thriving food scene, an 800-year-old market, and is home to one of Italy’s most famous historic coffee houses.

In addition, the city is older than Rome and it has an incredibly rich artistic and historic heritage. Close to several well-known tourist destinations like Venice, Verona, Lake Garda, and Milan, Padua is a great city to either visit for a day or to stay in for a longer exploration.

Fresh fruit and veg at the market - Padua, Italy -

So, in this blog post today, I listed ten reasons to inspire you to visit Padua during your Italian holiday. I hope that you found the information useful and that it will galvanise you to put this exciting city at the top of your travel wish list.

Have a great time in Padua!

Enjoy all the amazing art, history, and food that this gem of a city in Northern Italy has to offer! 

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Buy plane tickets, train tickets, and bus tickets through Omio.
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Select local tours and activities on GetYourGuideViator, and Tiqets.

More Helpful Information About Padua in Italy

Padua: Where is Padua, Things to Do in One Day101 Facts About PaduaDay Trips from Padua, Venice to Padua Day Trip, Padua in the Run-Up to Christmas, Prato della Valle – Italy’s Largest Square, Cornaro Loggia and Odeon, Astronomical Clock, Sant’Antonio’s Cakes, Daily Market
Videos of Padua: Top 6 Things to See in Padua, Prato della Valle, Basilica of St. Anthony – 1, Basilica of St. Anthony – 2, Scrovegni Chapel, Palazzo della Ragione and Market on Piazza delle Erbe, Palazzo Bo, Piazza dei Signori

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Umbria: Reasons to Visit Perugia
Campania: Naples

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David Jennis

Thursday 18th of July 2024

Ciao Rossi, just had a trip to Lake Garda again. This time I took in the Dolomites, glorious, Riva del Garda and Padova. With your information in hand I took the train from Verona, I was based in Bardolino as usual and was able to take in some of the sites of Padova. I managed the Basilica of Saint Anthony, Prato della Valle and the spectacular Scrovegni Chapel. Great information from you as usual. Thank you. I can’t get enough of Lake Garda. I’m off there again in a few weeks, my plan this time is to visit Mantova and Milano. Hope you and your family are well and your art history studies are progressing well. Saluti David

Saskia Webb

Tuesday 12th of July 2022

I came upon your blog quite by chance. I love it. It is so informative with a lot of very useful and practical information. I love that you write the history as well so we can have a better understanding of the places we love to visit. There is also quite a bit of information that is not known. Thank you for your time and effort in putting all this together for our benefit. I especially feel that modes of transport, ways of getting there, accomodation and food tips are so useful to a traveller. You cover everything. Just a genius


Tuesday 12th of July 2022

Thank you, Saskia! I really appreciate your kind words. It feels good to know that my blog posts come in useful. Writing sometimes feels like a shot in the dark, so thank you for your lovely feedback. Have a great summer!

Best wishes,

Rossi :)

Sharon Wilson

Tuesday 14th of June 2022

Very informative. Will definitely do day trip to Padua when in Venice. How often do trains run & where can we find schedules of local transportation once in Padua?


Tuesday 14th of June 2022

Dear Sharon,

Thank you for your comment and for stopping by. In reply to your queries: These two blog posts provide the necessary details in terms of transportation and things to do in Padua. Once in Padua, you can easily walk to the historic centre from the train station. It takes about 10-15 mins max in a straight line. Or you can take the local tram which stops in front of the train station and in a couple of stops or so reaches the historic centre. Venice to Padua - The Best Day Trip in Italy (With Travel Tips and Sights to See) 13 Best Things to Do in Padua, Italy in One Day (Full Itinerary with Times, Photos, and Maps)

Have a lovely time in Italy!

Rossi Thomson

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